
Rockstar's Haircut


Near our neighborhood new children’s salon opened. So we went to check it out.  Besides HJ desperately needed a haircut. As soon as we got in he quickly picked a red jeep car to sit in for his haircut.  They had Korea's most popular kids show Pororo on so he had no problem holding still. While they were shampooing his hair I noticed that they even had flat screen on the ceiling!  Sadly I didn't get any before and after pictures of his new hair do but he had a blast playing in their play aria after wards.


  1. i wish my salon had pororo playing while getting my hair done! :) leraeya i miss you girl! hope you're doing well! *love love*


  2. @MisskiM Miss you too Unni! when are you comming to Korea again~?

  3. wow!! what an awesome kiddie salon!!
